Tourist Information Center Partnership Project

Join project

Museum interaction algorithm


  1. Ask for participation
    Transfer an application for participation in the project from the museum to in a free form, indicating the name of the institution, e-mail, name and position of responsible
  2. .
  3. Access
    Get access to the museum personal cabinet in the system (login and password to connect to the museum information center)
  4. .
  5. Materials
    Provide information about the museum, fill in data on events and news. It is possible to set up automatic news uploading from the official site of the museum into the system
  6. .

Algorithm of interaction between Russian Centers of Science and Culture


  1. Application for participation
    Send an application for participation from the organization to in a free form, indicating the name of the institution, country, e-mail, name and phone number, position of responsible
  2. .
  3. Access
    Get login and password to connect to the Museum Information Center
  4. .
  5. Integration
    Russian centers of science and culture receive reliable information from museums, ready for use through the system and site
  6. .