Tourist Information Center Partnership Project

The K. Tsiolkovsky Flat Museum


Kaluga Oblast
9, Tsiolkovsky Str.,Borovsk, Kaluga Region
Phones: +7 (48438) 43999
Web site:
The museum will immerse you in the life of the provincial intelligentsia of the XIX century. In these conditions, the future great scientist lived and worked. Here were born his brilliant ideas about the exploration of outer space by man, a philosophical understanding of the relationship between Man and the Universe.


One of the Central places of the exposition of the Flat Museum is a reconstruction of the "Creative laboratory Tsiolkovsky 80-90-ies of the XIX century", created on the basis of Tsiolkovsky's autobiography, memories of his wife, eldest daughter, of his contemporaries: the Desk of the scientist, which is a book from the library Tsiolkovsky those years and fragments of manuscripts, drawing and writing materials, a homemade tin lamp, and an aerodynamic device "spinner". Various devices and models made personally by Tsiolkovsky are also presented.
The section of the exhibition "Scientific Relations" presents Tsiolkovsky as a member of the scientific community of the 80s-early 90s of the XIX century. Russian Russian Physicochemical Society, the Society of Natural Science Lovers, and the Imperial Russian Technical Society became acquainted with his works, which were the result of intense mental work.
On the second floor of the Museum-Apartment in 2003, an exhibition dedicated to the pedagogical activity of Tsiolkovsky was opened, which introduces him to his pedagogical methods and principles. In the "class of Tsiolkovsky" — a school desk, so unlike the modern one, the form of a student of the diocesan school, a telescope with which Tsiolkovsky examined the stars with the students, physical devices from the real and diocesan schools.
The materials of the exhibition of the Apartment Museum also tell about the Borovians — good friends and acquaintances who helped and supported the young scientist. Among them is the investigator N. K. Fetter, in whose house, according to the memoirs of L. K. Tsiolkovskaya, there was a home library, "which was organized in a fold by several advanced people" of Borovsk, and K. E. Tsiolkovsky participated in this.
The exposition on the second floor is dedicated to Tsiolkovsky's pedagogical activity. Here visitors will be able to see sketches of physical devices made on the instructions of Tsiolkovsky's teacher, essays on physics by his students, textbooks, and physical devices that the scientist used in his lessons.


On September 19, 1997, the K. Tsiolkovsky Flat Museum was opened in the restored house. So Tsiolkovsky returned to Borovsk, the city where he spent his youth, where he began his teaching and scientific activities.
The exposition of the K. Tsiolkovsky Flat Museum introduces visitors to the life and work of Tsiolkovsky as the founder of theoretical cosmonautics.
Before coming to Borovsk, Tsiolkovsky lived in Ryazan, Moscow, and Vyatka. Visitors will learn about the childhood and youth of the future scientist, get acquainted with the Tsiolkovsky family. The exhibition provides an answer to such questions as: why Kostya Tsiolkovsky could not graduate from the Vyatka gymnasium, what led him to solitude, solitude, why Konstantin sought self-education?

Interesting Facts

It is interesting to contrast the recreated " Headmistress's Office "and" Tsiolkovsky's Class " as symbols of different approaches to education. Visitors will be interested to see and compare for themselves, to feel the difference between the prim formal and lively, creative approach, which was close to Konstantin Eduardovich