The permanent exhibition of the museum consists of two parts - memorial and literary.
The residential part of the house consists of two enfilades – front and residential.
The dining room opens the suite of formal rooms. When the young Aksakov family settles in the house, the room is occupied by the office of the father – Timofey Stepanovich Aksakov. In it, visitors are greeted by a portrait of the writer's mother Maria Nikolaevna. There are also portraits of the Ufa environment of the Aksakov family, whose names are mentioned on the pages of books. Thanks to the talents, charm and extraordinary gift of eloquence of Maria Nikolaevna, a brilliant society of young wits, connoisseurs of literature and fine arts, very enlightened people for their time, gathered in the house every evening. The dining room is decorated with an old German grandfather clock that fills every hour of the room with a muted melodic beat, and an oak carved sideboard.
From the dining room, through the high double doors, we pass into the large and small living rooms, decorated, as Aksakov wrote, “inexpensively, but with taste”" In the first one, metal chandeliers on chains with glass that protects against drops of molten wax, columns with candelabra, a ceremonial furniture set from the beginning of the X1X century, engravings, and a harmonium attract attention. The most favorite entertainment of the guests, according to Aksakov's recollections, was reading aloud together. Maria Nikolaevna collected a small library, which was especially valuable at that time, and Seryozha learned to read at the age of four and entertained the guests with poems and stories. If the large drawing room was more often used for receptions and dance parties, then the small one was used for reading aloud, playing cards or lotto. Mama's room completes the grand suite. Here are the memorial items handed over by the Aksakovs ' relatives: a mahogany chest of drawers, in which, according to legend, my mother hid books from Seryozha; dressing table on two legs, numerous pull-out drawers which kept women's trinkets, perfume, powder, lipstick and so on; the ladies ' Desk (Desk), for which Maria was involved in and led numerous correspondence; recliner "trough" on wheels, dressing table with swing mirror "psyche". The room contains the relics of the Aksakov family: "Home clinic" of the English doctor Buchan. The second relic is the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God, who saved the life of Maria Nikolaevna herself.
From the mother's room begins the inner living suite - these are two children's rooms, painted in blue, and the girls ' room. In the "changing room", closer to the mother, the youngest children were in a cradle, with a wet nurse and a nanny. Today, in the exposition of this room, we see a table for needlework of the X1X century, a chest of drawers, a Gothic high chair, children's toys. The second children's room is Seryozha's room. Its interior is recreated from typological items: a bookcase with your favorite books, a table with a collection of fossils, a bed with a canopy. The maid's room – a room for maids and servants-completes the living suite. It was here that the bells of different tones rang, indicating which room to go to. The exhibition presents items of peasant life: a self-spinning wheel, a loom, a postavets, a rubel, a hook, a poker, a pudovka, a mill, a watchman's mallet, and so on.
The exposition of the literary part of the museum is based on the thematic and chronological principle. It tells about the later life of the writer: the years of apprenticeship, theater-critical, literary and official activities, about the family and the immediate literary environment.
Since Seryozha Aksakov by the will of fate became one of the first students of Kazan University, the theme "Kazan student period of Aksakov's life" is based largely on the writer's book "Memories". The exhibition presents lithographic images of Kazan and the Kazan gymnasium of the early X1X century. Visitors can clearly imagine the hobbies of these knowledge-hungry youths. These are the handwritten "Arcadian Shepherdesses”, and the "Journal of Our Studies", in which Aksakov placed his first poems, and the collection of butterflies, which was a passion of all students to collect during the holidays.
At the university, Seryozha Aksakov was seriously engaged in theater, he was even the director of a student troupe. Young visitors to the museum are always attracted by the reconstructed table puppet theater, described by him in "Memoirs". The fact that the young years of S. T. Aksakov were spent behind the scenes of the imperial theaters of Moscow and St. Petersburg is known, perhaps, only by students of theater studies departments. Aksakov's reviews in the "Bulletin of Europe”, "Moscow Bulletin", "Galatea" on the sensational productions of those years, his theatrical memoirs, stories from the life of the famous masters of the stage Shchepkin, Mochalov, Shusherin, Shakhovsky, etc. they are irreplaceable sources describing the theatrical life of the first third of the XIX century.
And another little-known fact from the biography of the writer Aksakov is revealed to the visitors of the museum in the "hunting corner" of the exposition. Here, among the first lifetime editions of fishing and hunting “Notes” Aksakov has a small book published by him together with Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev – "Stories and memories of a hunter about different hunts". The interior "family corner" in the museum's exposition tells about a large and friendly Aksakov family (four sons and six daughters). It presents numerous hand-drawn portraits of the children of Sergei Timofeyevich and Olga Semyonovna Aksakova, nee Patina, the daughter of a Suvorov general and a captive Turkish woman Igel-Syum; pencil sketches of Abramtsev's views, lifetime editions of the Family Chronicle and the Childhood Years of Bagrov-Grandson.
Here you can also learn a lot about the writer's sons-Konstantin and Ivan.
Konstantin Sergeyevich Aksakov (1817-1860) - the eldest of the children. Like all children, he was brought up in the spirit of love for Russia and reverence for its history. During his short life, he managed to do a lot, however, most of his works and works of art were published after his death.
Lifetime editions of the philological and historical works of K. S. Aksakov, the circle of his student affections, which included Belinsky and Stankevich, friends in spirit of the brothers Kireevsky, Khomyakov, Samarin, social acquaintances (Karolina Pavlova), sketches from family albums - all this gives the visitor a brief but rich idea of the “advanced fighter of Slavophilism”, “Pecheneg” with remarkable power, as his contemporaries called him.
The outstanding public and political figure of Russia was Ivan Sergeyevich Aksakov (1823-1886). "Sad Man of the Russian land", guardian of all Slavs, for twenty years he headed the Moscow Slavic Committee, which played a significant role in the liberation struggle of the southern Slavs from the Ottoman yoke. He published newspapers and magazines. The story about Ivan Aksakov is based both on his works of art: the poem “The Tramp”, the play “The Life of an Official”, poetry, and on the facts of his extensive official activities. The exhibition presents lifetime editions of the newspapers "Day”, “Rus”, "Parus".
One of the last halls of the literary part of the museum is dedicated to an equally famous representative of the famous Aksakov family – the middle son Grigory. In the memory of his contemporaries, he was preserved as one of the best Russian governors. From 1861 to 1867. Grigory Sergeyevich Aksakov was the civil governor of Ufa, and then the governor of Samara for six years. Under him, the architectural ensemble of the administrative and shopping center of Ufa was formed; were opened: the Mariinsky gymnasium for girls, the first theatre building, the government offices, completed construction of shopping malls, was created by the provincial Museum (now national Museum RB). Grigory Sergeyevich's wife, Sofya Alexandrovna, remained in the history of the city as the instigator of summer theaters and the trustee of the first Ufa women's gymnasium. The memory of her is preserved by one of the most beautiful alleys of old Ufa, reconstructed in 2012, along the current street named after G. Tukai, named Sofyushkina.
In the literary and musical living room of the museum, the interior of the governor's house of the second floor is reproduced. XIX century. Above the wide living room sofa hang two oval portraits-Grigory Sergeevich and Sofia Aleksandrovna Aksakov, and the daughter Olga Grigoryevna painted her parents.
Olga Grigoryevna is the first and favorite granddaughter of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov; he dedicated to her “The Childhood Years of Bagrov-grandson". For many years, O. G. Aksakova was the keeper of the richest archive of the Aksakov family, prepared and published the diary of her aunt Vera Sergeevna – a unique historical and biographical document of the 50s of the X1X century, conducted extensive correspondence with the publishers of the works of her famous relatives.
A separate hall is dedicated to her – "Olga Grigoryevna Aksakova's Living Room". The exhibition is an interior of a noble drawing room of the late XIX century.
Among the many family photos and antiques in the open albums are postcards with the image of the kumysolechebnitsa O. G. Aksakova in Belebeyevsky county. Enterprising Olga Grigoryevna (this trait of character she adopted from her father) in the era of "cutting down cherry orchards” managed to save her grandfather's estate in Nadezhdino, arranging there a kumysolechebnitsa, which exists to this day as a sanatorium named after S. T. Aksakov. The living area is marked with Cabinet Olga Grigorievna, where on the walls hang portraits of all the writers of family, where next to the names of Sergei Kalashnikov, Konstantin and Ivan, Faith the Aksakov presents Anna Tyutcheva (daughter of the very famous poet and memoirist) and nephew of Sergei Timofeevich – Alexander Aksakov – known writer spirit.
The house, so lovingly described in the "Childhood Years of Bagrov-grandson", was built in the middle of the XVIII century. Here lived Zubov Nikolai Semyonovich, the writer's maternal grandfather, who since 1782 held a very high post of comrade (deputy) governor of the Ufa region. The writer's mother, Maria Nikolaevna, grew up in this house. From here, she was married off.
Today it is the oldest building in Ufa. During its long history, it belonged to many owners, one of them since the 1830s was the vice-governor of the Orenburg province Kapiton Afanasyevich Sluchevsky (his name until 1924 was called the street on which the house was located, and by analogy, the mountain slope). After the revolution, an orphanage, a pharmacy, a skin dispensary, and a library were located here in turn. In the mid-1960s, when Ufa was systematically built up with multi-storey buildings, almost the only surviving corner of Ufa of the XVIII century was threatened with destruction. On the site of the famous house, it was planned to build a nine-story building. However, the active intercession of local historians led by Georgy Fedorovich and Zinaida Ivanovna Gudkov, the famous scientist, Professor Rail Gumerovich Kuzeev, the Ufa public, supported by the articles of the young journalist Mikhail Chvanov, helped to defend the house.