Bulgarian Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve
Republic of Tatarstan
Republic of Tatarstan, Bolgar, Nazarov street, 67
Phones: +7 9397417291
Web site: https://vbolgar.ru/
Museum of Bulgarian Civilization.
The unique building was built on the high bank of the Volga, which combines the functions of a river station and a museum complex. The exposition of the museum is located on the third and fourth floors and occupies 2000 sq. m. It presents more than 1600 exhibits and reveals the main themes "History of the study of the Bolgar", "History of the Bulgarian civilization", "City of Bolgar". Archaeological exhibits presented organically
White mosque
The architectural pearl of modern Bolgar - the White Mosque complex - was built within the framework of the program "Cultural Heritage: Island Grad-Sviyazhsk and Ancient Bolgar". The complex includes the residence of the spiritual leaders of Islam, a madrasah for teaching the basics of Islam and the building of the mosque itself. The mosque is designed for all the necessary religious rituals and is provided with the necessary conditions. White mosque is one of the most significant
Commemorative sign
The central hall of the building displays the world's largest printed Quran.
Well of Gabdrahman
The natural-historical complex is associated with the history of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgars. The name of the well is associated with the name of one of the followers of the Prophet Muhammad. According to legends, the source arose from the contact of the staff of the Sahib Gabdrakhman with the ground, and the healing water helped the khan's daughter to recover. After this event, the khan and his entourage converted to Islam. And today people go to the well, considering the water of the spring to be healing.
Eastern mausoleum
The monument of the XIV century, located to the east of the Cathedral Mosque, in its architecture belongs to the type of Muslim tent-roofed tombs with a portable portal. The eastern mausoleum, the most fully preserved monument among the rest of the buildings of the Bulgarian architecture.
Cathedral Mosque
An architectural monument of the XIII century. and the Big Minaret, rebuilt in 2000. The cathedral mosque was the main building in the medieval Bolgar, where namaz, religious rites were performed, and the adhan was pronounced. Nowadays, the monument for Muslim pilgrims also bears a cult character. Visiting believers read namaz at the Cathedral Mosque, especially during the celebration of the next anniversary of the adoption of Islam.
Small minaret and Khan's tomb
Architectural monuments were built in the XIII century. according to legend, at the burial place of the holy Bulgars. The Small Minaret is a stone pillar 16 meters high with a 40-step spiral staircase. The architectural decoration of the niche and the entrance has been preserved. The khan's tomb consisted of 4 mausoleums, only one survived and served as a burial place for members of the khan's family.
Northern mausoleum mausoleum-tomb
The 14th century monument is located opposite the main entrance of the Cathedral Mosque. Today there is an exhibition of Bulgar epigraphic monuments inside the monument. The surviving epigraphic monuments have an inscription consisting of a Quranic saying, name, genealogy and date of death of the deceased. The steles are part of the rich architectural heritage of the Bulgars.
Khan's palace
Brick and stone monumental structure with corner towers and pylons. It is one of the earliest monumental buildings of the Golden Horde period. In the plan - a rectangle (internal dimensions 24x29 meters). Located on the edge of the upper plateau of the settlement, 90-100 m north-east of the Cathedral Mosque, above the "Red Chamber".
Black chamber
A well-preserved monument of the 14th century. The name of the building is associated with the legend of the khan's daughter who saved her brothers at the cost of her life.
Bulgarian Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve is the most northerly in the world a monument of medieval Islamic architecture, the unique and the only example of the Bulgarian-Tatar architecture of the mid XIII-XIV centuries. It has no analogues in the world as a valuable historical monument, testifying bout the missing states (Volga Bulgaria, The Golden Horde), a vanished culture, way of life and how to make a significant impact during the X-XV centuries. on the development of culture and architecture.
The territory of the Bulgarian historical and architectural complex is:
* Archaeological evidence of the past, which demonstrates the human presence from the middle of I millennium BC, an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural and landscape ensemble
illustrative of several significant periods in the history of mankind, an example of arrangement of people and settlement of the territory;
* Location of the official adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgars - the ancestors of the Kazan Tatars in 922;
* Place of religious worship, the Muslim pilgrimage to their holy places from the XVI century .;
* Location of a place in the XIII century. first capital Golden Horde (Batu Khan rate and Ulusa Juchi) and minting of coins at the first zolotoordynskih Berke 1250-ies .;
* Place associated with the presence of eminent personalities here: at the beginning of the XIII century. Bulgarian-Tatar poet Kul Gali, in the first half of the XIII century. Batu Khan, in the XVIII century. Emperor Peter I, Empress Catherine II, Russian poet Derzhavin, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences PS Pallas, in the XIX century. Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, scientist-orientalist I.N.Berezina, Tatar religious and public figure Sh.Mardzhani brothers artists NG and GG Chernetsova II Shishkin, AK Savrasov, in the XX century. Tatar poet G. Tukai and many others;
* One of the first places in the Russian Empire, associated with the attention to the problems of conservation and restoration of monuments at the state level.
The cultural landscape is maintained unchanged for a millennium. Jerusalem ravine exists from pre-Mongol period. Bulgarian settlement preserves to date its border fortifications in the form of a shaft and a moat. The boundaries of the village, founded in the XVIII century., Remain unchanged to this day. In 2014, the facility was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List at the 38th session of the World Heritage Committee. Bulgarian historical and archeological complex became the 1002nd object list.
Interesting Facts
The cultural landscape has remained unchanged for for thousands of years. The Jerusalem ravine has existed since pre-Mongol times. The Bulgarian settlement still retains its borders, defensive structures in the form of a rampart and a moat. The borders of the village, founded in the 18th century, remain unchanged to this day.
In 2014, Bulgarian Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.