Tourist Information Center Partnership Project

Museum of Hygiene SPb city national health care institution "City Center for Medical Prevention"

The Museum of Hygiene occupies a special place among the museums of St. Petersburg. The uniqueness of the museum is associated with the history of its rise. Organized in 1919 following the decision of the top leadership of the new state, from the very beginning, despite the difficulties of the first post-revolutionary years, it took on an educational, socio-cultural and educational mission. The strategic goal of the museum was the task of promoting hygienic knowledge and advising general population on the rules of behavior in everyday life and preventing various infectious diseases. Exhibits for the museum were collected from various exhibitions: the exhibition car of the North-Western Railways, the City Museum, the All-Russian Hygienic Exhibition, materials from private collections (
Throughout the lifetime, responding to changes in the development of society, strengthening ties with its various social strata, the museum has developed adequate forms of disseminating knowledge on the prevention of diseases, maintaining health and achieving active longevity. For the purpose of clarity of presentation of the material, plot exposition models are created on various hygienic topics that arouse the interest of visitors. Stationary and mobile thematic exhibitions are being improved, drawing contests for adults and children, and various photo contests are being organized.
Maintaining and preserving the basic principles, the museum is expanding the exposition taking into account the achievements of scientific and technology progress as well as up-to-date ideas about health as an integral indicator of the society well-being. By introducing innovations, technically equipping the museum, introducing new media, utilizinga variety presentation methods, the Museum of Hygiene guaranties an easily accessible form of knowledge.
Virtually "building a bridge" from the past to the present, the Museum of Hygiene draws the attention of visitors to the history of "hygiene" termthat has gained a rather importantresonanceparticularly in the 21st century, and associated with the negative impact of the surrounding environment on a person, living conditions, natural and social factors!
The Museum of Hygiene builds up its “own special communication” with different age and social groups. Preschoolers and junior schoolchildren who come to the museum follow with interest the route suggested by the coloring book "A Journey to the Land of Hygiene" in the company of the boy Klepa. Children are happy to complete test tasks "Take health as a friend", composed in a form of a game. At the end of the route, passing the "Traveling along the path of health"board game, the children repeat the past material and memorize it better. What is a meaning of daily routine, diet, personal hygiene, dental care, physical activity, what the rules for preventing injuries should be - are memorized for many years.
In general, the exposition contributes to the formation of basic knowledge in human anatomy and physiology, maintaining their health and preventing diseases.
Within the museum's exposition a great attention is paid to the indicators of the “quality of life”. The exhibition stands contain materials on rational nutrition, stress prevention underlife psychoemotional overload, the importance of purposeful physical exercises and general physical activity. Those wishing to deepen their knowledge are offered flip floor stands on various topics. To consolidate the knowledge gained, visitors can use the touch screen and watch video and cartoons, information on paper and electronic media.

